Making Lexington the Place You Love to Live.
Friends of the Lexington Main Library:
Volunteering Opportunities, College Scholarships, Community Involvement, The Father Daughter Dance, Family Fun, Children’s Activities, and So Much More!
Who are we?
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to support the main branch of the Lexington Library system and the Lexington community. We are powered by amazing volunteers who want to help Lexington County step into the future while maintaining the small-town feel we all love.
The Friends of the Lexington Main Library, or FLML as we like to call ourselves, work closely with the library and provide them with funding to add extra programs. We are extremely proud of the things we are already doing, but we want to grow bigger and tackle more. We know the citizens of Lexington County want even more creative outlets, places to discover new hobbies, family-friendly events that are cost-efficient, and so much more. We need more FRIENDS— friends like you, to join the cause.
The Friends of the Lexington Main Library is on a mission to change the way the library functions. We love books! The library will continue to be the only place to access books freely, but that is just the beginning. The Friends of the Lexington Main Library step in to help the library do more. Our mission is to raise FUNDS and AWARENESS for the Lexington Main Library.
Through our mission, we create programming, events, and opportunities for all ages. No matter who you are, FLML has something you need. We provide places to explore ideas, cultivate new interests, and participate in activities that enrich your life. Join the Friends of Lexington Main Library today and the mission of making Lexington the place you LOVE to live.
FLML Supports Lexington Families through…
We love families! Reading is woven into the fabric of our families and we want to continue to cultivate a love for reading. Each summer we launch our Summer Reading Program. We begin with an overall theme, but we tailor events to specific age groups throughout the entire summer.
This popular event kicks off each year with a family-friendly event that has games, music, food, and more. FLML wants kids of all ages to be excited about reading with the goal of cultivating life-long readers and giving families a free and fun experience. Anyone aged 18 months to 18yrs can track their reading and receive prizes. Each year this program grows and surpasses the previous year. We love providing it to the Lexington Community.
Our FLML volunteers make Summer Reading possible by:
Planning the kick-off event
Funding the event and prizes
Choosing a theme each year
Spreading the word so everyone knows about the free opportunity
If you want to feel all the warm and fuzzy feelings look no further than our Father Daughter Dance slide show. The FLML loves hosting this event each February. You can literally feel the love in the air and we want to keep making it better each year.
This event is a fundraiser. All proceeds of the evening will benefit the Youth Services Department of the Lexington Main Library, which serves children and teens aged birth to 18.
The dance provides fathers and grandfathers an opportunity to create a special memory with their daughters or granddaughters while supporting the Youth Services Department of the Lexington Main Library.
The dance is for all ages— including wholesome music, flowers, and sweet treats. Each dance is catered, serving appetizers and desserts. Each daughter will receive a flower at the end of the evening to remember the special night.
Our FLML volunteers make the Father Daughter Dance possible by:
Funding the event
Decorating the venue
Serving the families
Breaking down after the event
FLML Supports Our Library and Our Community with…
Sometimes the library wants you to take the book and keep it! FLML has an ongoing Book Sale that is made possible by book donations. We also have quarterly “bag sales” where folks can get discounts and purchase books by the bag. The community gets amazing book deals and FLML makes money to support our other events.
This is a great opportunity to grow your household library and find little gifts. We love knowing that books keep moving around our community. If you’re interested in making a book donation, see the details on our Volunteer Page. If you’re interested in volunteering for the book sales click here.
Our FLML volunteers make our Book Sales possible by:
Using their muscles— boxes of books don’t move themselves around!
Setting up for the sale and working the quarterly sales
Making Donations
Spreading the word about our upcoming sales
When most think of the library, they think of checking out books alone, but FLML knows that is just the tip of the iceberg. Author’s Visits are scheduled throughout the year and provide a cultured experience for the citizens of Lexington.
Imagine beginning your evening experiencing a new novel through the eyes of the author. You hear how they built their story. You see how they blurred the lines between their own experiences and those fictional ones they created. Then, you enjoy hors d'oeuvres from local restaurants as you mingle afterward and get your copy signed.
Remember, becoming a Friend of the Lexington Main Library gives you an opportunity to make Lexington the place you love living. We want to be a unique place that offers something for everyone. What authors would you like to hear? What events do we need? What is next for Lexington? Join the FLML today and make it a reality tomorrow!
Our FLML volunteers make Authors’ Visits possible by:
Funding these events
Giving Ideas for future authors
Spreading the word about these exciting events
If you are looking for that perfect gift, you need to stop by the Friends Corner Gift Shop. As an FLML member, you will receive a 10% discount on any of our already tax-free items. We offer a selection of interesting gift items including Lexington and South Carolina-themed gifts, greeting cards, candles, and reading accessories. Many of our items are hand-made by local artists.
We accept cash or check only and no sales tax is charged. All the profits from items sold here are used to benefit the Lexington Main Library so customers can feel good knowing their purchase has made an impact in their community.
Our FLML volunteers make our Friends Corner Gift Shop possible by:
Funding the gift shop
Suggesting local vendors
Working the shop during peak shopping times around the holiday season
IBeing that we are Friends of the Lexington Main Library, we work closely with the staff at the main library. They bring us ideas, and we enjoy making them happen with support from our volunteers. We see it as a beautiful relationship, and each year we like to say thank you through a Staff Lunch.
FLML treats the staff to lunch each October during the National Friends of Libraries week. It is a catered event, and we use this time to show thanks to the library staff for everything they do for our community all year.
Our FLML volunteers make the Staff Lunch possible by:
Funding the luncheon
Decorating for this event
We know the modern library carries so much more than books. The Friends are helping expands those offerings through our new Community Seed Library! Our Community Seed Library provides free seeds to community members, rather they are first time planters or seasoned horticulturists. Our Seed Library email list helps connect community members to resources and wonderful Master Gardener library programing.
Our FLML volunteers make the seed library possible by:
Giving Seed Packets
Saving seeds from their home gardens to share
Volunteering their time to sort and maintain the seed library for the community.
We realize that a good idea needs a place to grow and thrive. FLML creates space and resources for new programming to happen at your Lexington Main Library. We are always on the lookout for the next thing, understanding that it may need to start small and grow— knowing it will always need volunteers to fan the flame.
Our Seed Library is a wonderful example of an idea beginning small and growing into something that will serve more people in our community. It has been years in the making. The Seed Library began as our Seed and Plant Swamp. It was a success and we look forward to the Seed Library, launching Spring of 2023, making an even bigger impact in our community.
Another example is the renovations happening on the lower level of your Lexington Main Library. Regular funding is paying to create rooms for innovation, but the Friends of the Lexington Main Library will take over once renovations are complete. We are still deciding the best way to utilize this great opportunity.
Do you have ideas for the new space? Have you wished there was a place to…X, Y, or Z? What clubs or groups need to be launched? We need your great ideas and help!
Our FLML volunteers make new initiatives possible by:
Being a Member
Making donations
Sharing ideas
Leading teams as ideas are launched
FLML Supports Students through…
Friends of the Lexington Main Library understand that people who own books are more likely to be lifelong readers. We are committed to planting the seeds of early literacy through the Book By Book Program.
We partner with literacy interventionists across Lex1 schools and the Lexington District One Parenting Center to provide children ages 5-10 with age and reading level-appropriate books. These books are given to the children to keep and enjoy.
Book By Book also partners with the Lexington School District One Parenting Center who holds multicultural events three times a year.
Our FLML volunteers make the Book By Book Program possible by:
Visiting schools and reading with kids
Organizing the book donations
Funding the purchasing of books for kids
We want to support students while they are living here in Lexington, but we want them to know we support their dreams as well. The FLML scholarships allow us to do this. Any student in Lexington One School District can apply to win these scholarships by filling out this application.
Our FLML volunteers make Historical Heroes possible by:
Funding these scholarships
Choosing each of the recipients
Planning and executing the awarding event
Get Involved!

Don’t Miss What’s Happening!
Next Quarterly Sale
Date: March 16, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Next Let’s Be Friends
Date: March 12, 2024
Time: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
What People Are Saying!
““It feels like Christmas morning unboxing the Amazon packages from our seasonal supply orders! The sentence said most often during the unboxing is, ‘I can’t wait for the kids to see this!’” It’s wonderful to know that we have the materials to share everything the children will need to have an engaging and educational experience at our programs.””
“The Friends of LML have brought our programs to life! It has been such a joy to provide craft supplies to our patrons so that they can show up to a program and enjoy the community and learning a new skill. For our pirate scavenger hunt that we led over the summer, the Friends supplied decorations and food, as well as a trophy to the winning team. Everyone loved it! We are so grateful for the continued support of our Friends group.”
““One of my favorite interactions in this job was with a child dressed in a tutu at an event one summer. When asked what special place she was headed to, she said that the library WAS her somewhere special. The quality of the programs provided in Youth Services isn’t possible without the ongoing and consistent financial support of the Friends.””
Join the FLML Team:
Our Board:
Director: Brittany Gladden - friendsoflml@gmail.com
President: Matthew Howard - FriendsoflmlPresident@gmail.com
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Felecia Maresh - FLMLTreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary: Megan Pasek-Rankin
Parlamentarian: Bobbie Sox
Membership Chair: Pat Winegardner - FLMLMembership@gmail.com
Scholarship Chair: Judy Wasieczko- FLMLScholarship@gmail.com
Library Advisor: Mark T. Mancuso
Father Daughter Dance Chair: Matthew Howard - LexingtonFDD@gmail.com
Members At Large: Ann Simpkins, Rosemary Wilson, Katie Malkiewicz
Contact Us.
Have questions or suggestions? Send us a message! We’re happy to hear from you!
Director: friendsoflml@gmail.com
PO Box 1015
Lexington, SC 29071
Friends Corner Gift Shop: friendscornergiftshop@hotmail.com
Lexington Main Library’s website: www.lex.lib.sc.us
Lexington County Library: https://lexcolibrary.com